Commercial Art (201)

201-105. Web Tools for Designers. (3 Credits)

This course introduces the fundamentals of HTML and CSS. Learn best practices for structuring web content with HTML and styling web content with CSS. Gain hands-on experience making basic content and style changes to enhance a WordPress site.

See sections of this course

201-106. Intro to User Interface Design. (2 Credits)

Gain an introduction to the process of designing interfaces based on user-centered design principles. Create wireframes and mockups for a variety of scenarios. Students are expected to participate in regular critiques.

Prerequisites: (201-105 with a minimum grade of C and 204-121 with a minimum grade of C and 204-131 with a minimum grade of C)

See sections of this course

201-110. Webpage Design I. (3 Credits)

Gain an introduction to HTML and CSS while learning the fundamentals of web design, webpage creation, and the process of making a website live. Establish a foundation for building larger, more dynamic websites with an emphasis on trends and best practices.

See sections of this course

201-111. Fundamentals of Design. (3 Credits)

Become familiar with the methods, concepts and procedures involved in rendering two-dimensional design ideas to formats that can be converted to images on printed pieces. Apply systematic methods that facilitate the creative use of line, texture, value, shape and color during lab activities. Convert two-dimensional designs into mechanically correct artwork and digital files.

See sections of this course

201-112. Graphic Design I. (3 Credits)

Develop skills that will be used in all courses within the Graphic Design program. Basic tools and techniques will be emphasized, including ruling, cropping and scaling, sketching thumbs and roughs, developing comprehensives and using professional design markers. Creativity will be directed toward the application of design principles, including emphasis, contrast, repetition, balance and eye flow. Produce a variety of one-dimensional simple and complex projects.

Prerequisites: (201-118 with a minimum grade of C and 204-121 with a minimum grade of C and 204-113 with a minimum grade of C and 204-131 with a minimum grade of C) and (804-123 with a minimum grade of C- or 804-115 with a minimum grade of C- or 804-107 with a minimum grade of C- or 804-133 with a minimum grade of C- or 804-198 with a minimum grade of C- or 804-118 with a minimum grade of C- or 804-116 with a minimum grade of C- or 804-195 with a minimum grade of C-) and (801-195 with a minimum grade of C- or 801-136 with a minimum grade of C- or 801-223 with a minimum grade of C-)

See sections of this course

201-116. Internship-Front End Web Dev. (1 Credit)

Gain meaningful occupational experience in the field of front-end web development while building interpersonal relationships, improving technical competencies and completing the pre-developed goals. To complete an internship, WCTC must first verify that students have met the prerequisites. Please contact Career Connections at 262.695.7848 or for assistance.

Prerequisites: Approval of Co-op Ed Office

See sections of this course

201-118. Design Drawing & Color Theory. (3 Credits)

Design Drawing and Color Theory will help the student develop basic freehand drawing skills, while providing a fundamental knowledge of color. Using different media, participants will study the concepts of form: 1, 2, and 3-point perspective; proportion; line; value and texture as well as evaluate color characteristics; and examine the colors used in compositions; illustrations; and rendered still life's. In addition, students explore how color is incorporated in drawings as they develop an understanding of color models: including RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Munsell, CIELab, and the Web.

See sections of this course

201-119. Drawing and Color for Design. (2 Credits)

Drawing and Color for Design will help students develop basic freehand drawing skills while providing a fundamental knowledge of color. Using different media, participants will study the concepts of form, perspective, proportion, line, value and composition as they relate to design. In addition, students will explore how color is incorporated into drawings and designs, while developing an understanding of color theory.

See sections of this course

201-120. Webpage Design II. (3 Credits)

Build on your skills from Webpage Design I to create professional-looking, responsive websites using a variety of tools and resources. Explore good design principles, a variety of webpage layout techniques, and frameworks as a foundation for development.

Prerequisites: 201-110 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 204-119 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or (204-121 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 204-131 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)

See sections of this course

201-122. Graphic Design II. (3 Credits)

Graphic Design II builds on design skills and techniques introduced in Graphic Design I. Direct creative abilities toward the layout, design and production of print and web design projects. Emphasis is placed on the use of type and color and the aesthetic and communicative aspects of letterforms. Through lectures, demonstrations, and lab assignments, students will apply these concepts to create and design projects utilizing a variety of materials and techniques.

Prerequisites: (201-112 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 204-113 with a minimum grade of C and 201-118 with a minimum grade of C and 204-121 with a minimum grade of C and 204-131 with a minimum grade of C and 890-108 with a minimum grade of C)

See sections of this course

201-124. Animation/Motion Graphics. (3 Credits)

Explore the process of creating 2D animation and motion graphics for use in websites and video production. Create and animate graphic content using a variety of methods, incorporating a timeline and/or scripting. Use multiple software applications for production, and explore differences between time- and frame-based animations. Learn how to include audio in your work and how to develop pieces that facilitate effective content delivery, including interactivity.

Prerequisites: 201-110 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 201-105 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and (204-121 with a minimum grade of C and 204-131 with a minimum grade of C) or 204-119 with a minimum grade of C

See sections of this course

201-125. Introduction to WordPress. (2 Credits)

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems used today. Gain an introduction to WordPress for building and managing websites. Learn what WordPress is, how to install it on a server and how to configure the settings. Explore installing themes, plugins and managing content.

Prerequisites: 201-110 with a minimum grade of C

See sections of this course

201-130. Usability & Project Management. (3 Credits)

Gain an introduction to User Experience (UX) design concepts while exploring the roles, tools and processes for managing a digital project. Learn how to work with a customer, write and present a proposal, conduct user research, and create and manage content. Conduct live usability testing to assess design decisions and the functionality of a working prototype.

Prerequisites: 201-133 with a minimum grade of C and 201-120 with a minimum grade of C and (801-136 with a minimum grade of C- or 801-195 with a minimum grade of C- or 801-223 with a minimum grade of C-)

See sections of this course

201-133. User Interface Design. (3 Credits)

Explore the process of designing interfaces based on user-centered design principles. Have an opportunity to create wireframes, mockups and prototypes for a variety of scenarios. Learn to use A/B testing as a process for identifying the most effective design options. Students are expected to participate in regular critiques.

Prerequisites: 201-110 with a minimum grade of C and (204-119 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C) or (204-121 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 204-131 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)

See sections of this course

201-134. Typography. (3 Credits)

This is a capstone course on the structure, personality and history of type. Strengthen design abilities and problem-solving strategies through projects that incorporate expressive typography. Gain experience in using the design process and analyzing completed work.

Prerequisites: 201-122 with a minimum grade of C and 204-131 with a minimum grade of C and 204-132 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C

See sections of this course

201-136. Advertising & Branding Design. (3 Credits)

Learn how to apply marketing and advertising design principles to build brand identity for an organization. Develop advertising objectives, conduct marketing research and design corporate identity materials that reinforce the branding strategy. Present advertising and branding projects in a formal setting to defend the creative rationale.

Prerequisites: 201-122 with a minimum grade of C and 204-131 with a minimum grade of C

See sections of this course

201-138. Internship-Graphic Design. (1 Credit)

Gain meaningful occupational experience in the field of Graphic Design while building interpersonal relationships, improving technical competencies and completing the pre-developed goals. To complete an internship, WCTC must first verify that students have met the prerequisites. Please contact the Career Connections Department at 262.695.7848 or for assistance.

Prerequisites: Approval of Co-op Ed Office

See sections of this course

201-139. Video Production for the Web. (3 Credits)

Video has become an integral part of marketing and online content development. This course introduces students to the steps needed for capturing, editing, and publishing audio and video on the web. Students will learn how to use audio and video equipment for recording, including proper settings and lighting. iMovie, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premier will be used to edit and publish files.

Prerequisites: (201-110 with a minimum grade of C- and 204-121 with a minimum grade of C- and 204-131 with a minimum grade of C-)

See sections of this course

201-141. Professional Studies. (2 Credits)

The rules of job seeking have changed and the job market continues to remain highly competitive. This class provides students the tools and knowledge they need to be successful in their job searches. Students will develop and enhance their personal brand identities using traditional and social media resources. They will use online sites to explore regional and national job opportunities and salaries. They will strengthen their interviewing skills and gain valuable insight into business practices and professionalism. Industry guest speakers will challenge and motivate students in their career quests. This class is only offered in the spring, and is designed for students entering their last spring semester of the Graphic Design, Web and Digital Media Design, or Print and Publishing program.

Prerequisites: (201-144 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 201-146 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 201-147 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 201-148 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)

See sections of this course

201-143. Advanced Digital Design. (3 Credits)

This class will focus on the productivity and interactive features of Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Acrobat. Advanced techniques will assist designers in preparing documents for print and conversion to the web. Acrobat features will focus on document review and editing processes, interactive forms and pdf workflow.

Prerequisites: 201-134 with a minimum grade of C and 201-136 with a minimum grade of C

See sections of this course

201-145. Integrated Web Design. (3 Credits)

Building upon what has been learned in previous courses, apply the skills to transfer web content to mobile devices like cell phones, PDAs and other digital media devices. Additional attention will be given to connecting to and utilizing social media for marketing and business purposes.

Prerequisites: 152-139 with a minimum grade of C and (152-179 with a minimum grade of C or 201-131 with a minimum grade of C) and (201-120 with a minimum grade of C or 207-120 with a minimum grade of C)

See sections of this course

201-146. Web Portfolio Development. (1 Credit)

Complete a large-scale web design project, incorporating the techniques learned in previous semesters, to round out the student portfolio. The project will focus on lean, standards-based web design practices including the use of HTML, CSS, PHP and user interface design principles. This course is intended for students in their fourth semester who are preparing for graduation.

Prerequisites: (152-139 with a minimum grade of C and 201-130 with a minimum grade of C and 801-197 with a minimum grade of C)

See sections of this course

201-147. Web Portfolio Development. (2 Credits)

This course is intended for students who are preparing for graduation. Develop an online portfolio and personal brand while preparing for the portfolio show. Complete a large-scale web design project to showcase skills learned throughout the program.

Prerequisites: (152-143 with a minimum grade of C or 152-139 with a minimum grade of C or 201-124 with a minimum grade of C) and 201-130 with a minimum grade of C

See sections of this course

201-148. Graphic Design Portfolio. (2 Credits)

Develop traditional and online portfolios that demonstrate program competencies. Present artwork in informal and employment settings. Develop a timeline for redesigning existing work and developing new work. This class is only offered in the spring and is reserved for students entering their last spring semester of the Graphic Design program.

Prerequisites: 201-134 with a minimum grade of C and 204-132 with a minimum grade of C or 201-143 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 201-141 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 201-156 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 201-157 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C

See sections of this course

201-156. Advanced Digital Design I. (2 Credits)

Explore the productivity and interactive features of Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Acrobat. Learn advanced techniques to prepare documents for print and web. Acrobat features will focus on document review and editing processes, interactive forms and PDF workflow. This course is reserved for students entering the final spring semester of the Graphic Design program.

Prerequisites: (201-134 with a minimum grade of C and 204-132 with a minimum grade of C and 201-141 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 201-148 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)

See sections of this course

201-157. Advanced Digital Design II. (2 Credits)

Learn to produce documents for a graphic design portfolio. Employ prepress and digital printing and finishing techniques to produce professional, printed portfolio materials. This course is reserved for students entering the final spring semester of the Graphic Design program.

Prerequisites: (201-156 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 201-134 with a minimum grade of C and 204-132 with a minimum grade of C and 201-141 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 201-148 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)

See sections of this course