Reading (858)

858-700. HSED 5.09 Readings in Health-C. (1 Credit)

This classroom-based course explores the concepts of health and wellness as well as human growth and development.

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858-701. HSED 5.09 Readings in Health-L. (1 Credit)

This lab-based course explores the concepts of health and wellness as well as human growth and development.

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858-702. Literacy and Communications. (1 Credit)

This noncredit course is designed to help you build foundational reading and writing skills in order to become college-ready. Employ active reading strategies to improve your nonfiction reading skills, and develop writing skills to communicate effectively through sentences and paragraphs. Students who pass Introduction to Literacy and Communication can advance to College Literacy and Communications.

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858-711. Reading 1. (2 Credits)

Level 1 Reading (Grade equivalent 0 - 1.9) emphasizes reading simple material on familiar subjects and comprehending simple compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary. Learners who successfully complete Level 1 Reading achieve Beginning Basic Education Benchmarks according to NRS guidelines.

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858-712. Pre-Tech Machine Tool Theory. (1 Credit)

Build reading, writing, math and study skills required to understand the practical theory of machining processes and machine tools.

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858-721. Reading 2. (2 Credits)

Level 2 Reading (Grade Equivalent 2.0 - 3.9) emphasizes reading text on familiar subjects that have a simple and clear underlying structure. Learners use context to determine meaning, and can interpret actions required in specific directions. Learners read simple charts, graphs, labels, payroll stubs, and simple authentic material. Learners who sucessfully complete Level 2 Reading achieve Low Intermediate Basic Education Benchmarks according to NRS guidelines.

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858-731. Reading 3. (1 Credit)

Level 3 Reading (grade equivalent 4.0 to 5.9) emphasizes reading text on familiar subjects or from which new vocabulary can be determined by context. Learners read simple descriptions and narratives and can make some minimal inferences about familiar texts and compare and contrast information from texts. Learners read authentic materials on familiar topics such as simple employee handbooks. Learners who successfully complete Level 3 Reading achieve High Intermediate Basic Education Benchmarks according to NRS guidelines.

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858-741. Reading 4. (2 Credits)

Level 4 Reading (grade equivalent 6.0 - 8.9) emphasizes comprehension of a variety of materials such as periodicals, non-technical journals on common topics, and expository writing. Learners identify spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors and follow simple multi-step directions. Learners identify the main idea in reading selections and use context to determine meaning. Learners who successfully complete Level 4 Reading achieve Low Adult Secondary Education Benchmarks according to NRS guidelines.

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858-742. Critical Thinking/Workplace. (1 Credit)

Problem solving and decision making skills are addressed through the integration of acquired knowledge and practical application of skills in this course designed primarily for adults preparing for the world of work. This course is a required component in the Competency Award Program (CAP) basic education certificate program.

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858-751. Reading 5. (2 Credits)

Level 5 Reading (grade equivalent 9.0 - 10.9) emphasizes comprehension of a variety of literary works including primary source materials and professional journals. Learners explain and analyze information, use context cues and higher order processes to interpret meaning of written material, and read technical information and complex manuals. Learners who successfully complete Level 5 Reading achieve High Adult Secondary Education Benchmarks according to NRS guidelines.

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858-770. Reading - Level III. (2 Credits)

Non-credit option for students who wish to build their reading skills or improve their study skills. Designed to meet specific student needs including nursing students who are reviewing for the Pre-Admission Exam (PAX).

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858-780. HS Literature - The Novel. (2 Credits)

This adult high school credit course emphasizes reading, evaluation, and understanding modern literature.

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858-781. Young Children’s Development. (2 Credits)

Explore the numerous influences on children's development (ages three through eight). Examine child development theories and relevant research on brain development. Engage with content materials while improving your writing and vocabulary skills.

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858-785. Reading Skills. (1 Credit)

This non-credit course is designed for students identified by placement testing. This self-paced course in the Reading Lab focuses on improving vocabulary and nonfiction reading skills. Students who pass Reading Skills move to Introduction to College Reading and Study Skills. All materials are provided in the lab.

Prerequisites: (COMPASS-Reading Skills with a score of 40 or ASSET-Reading Skills with a score of 32 or ACT-Reading with a score of 11 or Accuplacer Reading Comp25 or 858-784 with a minimum grade of S or 858-786 with a minimum grade of S or TABE Advanced Reading7.6)

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858-786. Pre-College Reading. (2 Credits)

This non-credit course is for students identified by placement testing. Focus on improving nonfiction-reading skills related to vocabulary in context, implied and stated main ideas, supporting details, patterns of organization, inferences, and argument. Students who pass Pre-College Reading can advance to Introduction to College Reading and Study Skills.

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858-793. Supporting Child Behavior. (2 Credits)

Explore appropriate methods of using guidance techniques in a childcare setting. Engage in content materials while improving your reading, writing and vocabulary skills.

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