Computer Hardware Technology (631)
631-183. IT Essentials. (3 Credits)
Gain a comprehensive overview of computer systems and an introduction to advanced IT concepts. Learn how to identify the internal components of a computer, assemble a computer system, install an operating system, and troubleshoot various computer and network issues. Explore how mobile devices, IoT and cloud computing work together to form a diverse networked environment.
631-184. Computer Hardware Repair. (3 Credits)
This course will expand the student's knowledge beyond the basic computer troubleshooting techniques. Students will participate in a hardware repair shop experience by providing basic computer repair services for community members, students, staff and faculty.
Prerequisites: (801-136 with a minimum grade of C or 801-195 with a minimum grade of C) and (801-196 with a minimum grade of C or 801-198 with a minimum grade of C) and (631-183 with a minimum grade of B and 154-135 with a minimum grade of C and Associate Dean approval)
631-401. Computer Troubleshooting. (0.2 Credits)
Learn the fundamentals of the 7 Layer OSI Model and the 6 Step Troubleshooting Process, and explore the components of a computer and their functions.