Child Development (307)
307-102. ECE: Preschool Capstone. (3 Credits)
10-307-102 ECE Preschool Capstone is the final course of the Preschool Credential at WCTC. The course requires that the student synthesize information and demonstrate mastery of the competencies of the Preschool Credential through direct teaching of children in a preschool setting and through the development of a Preschool Portfolio. Upon completion students will be awarded a WCTC Technical Certificate and can apply to the Wisconsin State Registry commissioner for validation of the credential.
Prerequisites: 307-148 with a minimum grade of C and 307-179 with a minimum grade of C and 307-188 with a minimum grade of C and 307-178 with a minimum grade of C and 307-167 with a minimum grade of C
307-103. ECE: Special Health Care Needs. (3 Credits)
Learn how to support children with various health conditions by recognizing the expertise of families, understanding the roles of healthcare professionals and program staff, and identifying community resources. Examine educational implications, adaptive strategies for inclusion and health promotion for children with special healthcare needs. Explore the care of children with altered body system functions and emergency management of health conditions.
307-104. Infant-Toddler Capstone. (3 Credits)
Infant Toddler Capstone is the last course of the Infant Toddler Credential. The intent of this capstone course is to apply important themes from the prior courses. The student will synthesize the information and demonstrate mastery of the competencies through the completion of a portfolio. Upon completion students receive a WCTC Technical Certificate and are eligible to apply for the Wisconsin Registry Infant-Toddler Credential.
Prerequisites: (307-151 with a minimum grade of C and 307-154 with a minimum grade of C and 307-195 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)
307-108. ECE: Early Language & Literacy. (3 Credits)
This course explores strategies to encourage the development of early language and literacy knowledge and skill building in children birth to 8 years of age. Learners will investigate the components of literacy including; literacy and a source of enjoyment, vocabulary and oral language, phonological awareness, knowledge of print, letters and words, comprehension and an understanding of books and other texts. Theories and philosophies regarding children's language and literacy development will be addressed. Dual language learning will be examined within the context of developmentally appropriate practices. Assessment tools for early language and literacy acquisition will be reviewed.
Prerequisites: (307-179 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 522-106 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)
307-110. ECE: Soc S, Art, & Music. (3 Credits)
Explore beginner-level curriculum development in the specific integrated content areas of social studies, art, music and movement (SSAMM).
307-112. ECE: STEM. (3 Credits)
This 3-credit course will focus on beginning level curriculum development in the specific integrated content areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Prerequisites: (307-179 with a minimum grade of C or 307-151 with a minimum grade of C)
307-115. ECE: Infant Toddler Capstone. (3 Credits)
Apply important themes from prior coursework, synthesize information and demonstrate your mastery of the program competencies through the completion of a portfolio. Upon completing this course, you are eligible to apply for the Wisconsin Registry Infant Toddler Credential.
Prerequisites: 307-151 with a minimum grade of C and 307-169 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 307-195 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C
307-117. ECE: Credit for Prior Learning. (3 Credits)
This 3-credit course examines early childhood professional experience for the purpose of receiving credit for prior learning. Examine program and course outcomes of the WTCS Early Childhood program, and learn how to compare, analyze and document professional experiences as they relate to early childhood competencies. Additionally, learn how to access support services on campus and online in order to reinforce development of a professional portfolio for credit for prior learning, and create a plan of action for program completion.
307-127. Administration and Supervision. (3 Credits)
Get an overview of the roles and responsibilities of directors, supervisors, coordinators and other administrators in early childhood programs. This is a required course for the Child Care Administrative Credential.
307-128. Operations Management. (3 Credits)
Discussion and practical applications related to scheduling, facility management, staffing, equipment acquisition and maintenance, service delivery, recordkeeping and communication. This is a required course for completion of the Child Care Administrative Credential Certificate.
307-129. Financial Management. (3 Credits)
Review the principles and practices of budget planning and preparation and fiscal management, including hands-on experience with program applications.
307-130. EC Prog & External Environment. (3 Credits)
Review of early care and education programs, including determination of community child care needs, marketing, laws and regulations, working with government and community agencies, and political and societal issues and trends. This course is required in the Child Care Administrative Credential Certificate.
307-135. Family Child Care Capstone. (3 Credits)
Demonstrate your knowledge of family child care through the development of a major project. Through this project, explore specific concepts and skills including mixed-age curriculum, quality standards, professional development, community resources, health and wellness practices, family partnerships and financial management.
Prerequisites: 307-302 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 307-303 with a minimum grade of C
307-136. Administrative Seminar. (3 Credits)
Focus on the integration of program aspects in developing strategic planning for change through required, individual projects. This is the final requirement for the Child Care Administrative Credential.
Prerequisites: (307-127 with a minimum grade of C and 307-128 with a minimum grade of C and 307-129 with a minimum grade of C and 307-130 with a minimum grade of C and 307-135 with a minimum grade of C)
307-148. ECE: Foundations of ECE. (3 Credits)
An introduction to the early childhood profession, competencies include: integrate strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives; investigate history of early childhood education; summarize types of early childhood education settings; identify components of a quality early childhood education program; summarize responsibilities of early childhood education professionals; explore early childhood curriculum models.
Prerequisites: 801-136 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C- or 831-103 with a minimum grade of C or 838-101 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 838-105 with a minimum grade of C or 851-745 with a minimum grade of S or 851-771A with a minimum grade of S or 858-702 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of S or 858-785 with a minimum grade of S or 858-786 with a minimum grade of S or 861-782 with a minimum grade of S or 861-783 with a minimum grade of S or Accuplacer ESL Reading with a score of 82 or Accuplacer ESL Sentence Mean with a score of 82 or Accuplacer ESL Language Use with a score of 82 or Accuplacer Reading Comp55 or Accuplacer Sentence Skills55 or ACT-English with a score of 14 or ACT-Reading with a score of 13 or ASSET-Reading Skills with a score of 36 or ASSET-Writing Skills with a score of 35 or COMPASS/ESL - Grammar with a score of 75 or COMPASS/ESL - Reading with a score of 75 or COMPASS-Reading Skills with a score of 61 or COMPASS-Writing Skills with a score of 43 or High School GPA 2.60 or Higher or Next-Gen Accuplacer Reading with a score of 238 or Next-Gen Accuplacer Writing with a score of 230 or TABE-11 A Reading with a score of 576 or TABE-11 A Language with a score of 584 or TABE Advanced Language9.0 or TABE Advanced Reading9.0 or TABE-12 A Reading with a score of 576 or TABE-12 A Language with a score of 584
307-151. ECE: Infant & Toddler Dev. (3 Credits)
Get introduced to the development, care and education of children from birth to age 2 1/2. Study the principles of caregiving, developmentally appropriate practices, diversity issues, curriculum, guidance, observation and assessment. Typical and atypical development is also examined.
307-154. Infant-Toddler Group Care. (3 Credits)
This course will provide students with a foundational understanding of how to care for infants and toddlers in center based and family child care settings. Topics include program quality, philosophy, structure, environment, health and safety, developmentally appropriate practice, and inclusion/diversity issues. Upon completion, students will be awarded a WCTC Technical Certificate and be eligible to apply for a Wisconsin Infant-Toddler Registry Credential.
307-160. ECE: Field Experience 1. (3 Credits)
This three-credit introductory field experience course, introduces the foundations of early childhood education under guided supervision of a mentor teacher in an early childhood setting, working with children birth through age 8. This course meets the requirements for the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards 18-hour training.
Prerequisites: (307-167 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)
307-166. ECE: Curriculum Planning. (3 Credits)
Examine components of curriculum planning in early childhood education. Course competencies include: integrate strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives; examine the critical role of play; establish a developmentally appropriate environment; examine caregiving routines as curriculum; develop activity plans that promote child development and learning; develop unit plans that promote child development and learning; analyze early childhood curriculum models.
307-167. ECE: Hlth Safety & Nutrition. (3 Credits)
Examines the topics of health, safety and nutrition within the context of the early childhood educational setting. Course competencies include: integrate strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives; follow government regulations and professional standards as they apply to health, safety and nutrition; provide a safe, healthy and nutritionally sound early childhood program; adhere to child abuse and neglect mandates; apply Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) risk reduction strategies; incorporate health, safety and nutrition concepts into the children's curriculum.
307-169. ECE: Infant Toddler Group Care. (3 Credits)
Learn how to care for infants and toddlers in center-based and family childcare settings. Explore program quality, philosophy, structure, environment, health and safety, developmentally appropriate practice, and inclusion and diversity issues.
307-170. ECE: Field Experience 2. (3 Credits)
This three-credit intermediate field experience course includes assisting the mentor teacher in carrying out classroom routines and implementing developmentally appropriate learning experiences that promote child development and learning through play for children birth to age 8.
Prerequisites: (307-160 with a minimum grade of C or 307-174 with a minimum grade of C) and 307-188 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C
307-174. ECE: Introductory Practicum. (3 Credits)
In this 3-credit practicum course you will learn about and apply the course competencies in an actual early childhood setting. You will explore the standards for quality early childhood education, demonstrate professional behaviors, and meet the requirements for training in the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards.
Prerequisites: 307-167 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 801-136 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C- or 831-103 with a minimum grade of C or 838-101 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 838-105 with a minimum grade of C or 851-745 with a minimum grade of S or 851-771A with a minimum grade of S or 858-702 with a minimum grade of S or 858-785 with a minimum grade of S or 858-786 with a minimum grade of S or 861-782 with a minimum grade of S or 861-783 with a minimum grade of S or Accuplacer ESL Reading with a score of 82 or Accuplacer ESL Sentence Mean with a score of 82 or Accuplacer ESL Language Use with a score of 82 or Accuplacer Reading Comp55 or Accuplacer Sentence Skills55 or ACT-English with a score of 14 or ACT-Reading with a score of 13 or ASSET-Reading Skills with a score of 36 or ASSET-Writing Skills with a score of 35 or COMPASS/ESL - Reading with a score of 75 or COMPASS-Reading Skills with a score of 61 or COMPASS-Writing Skills with a score of 43 or High School GPA 2.60 or Higher or Next-Gen Accuplacer Reading with a score of 238 or Next-Gen Accuplacer Writing with a score of 230 or TABE-11 A Reading with a score of 576 or TABE-11 A Language with a score of 584 or TABE Advanced Language9.0 or TABE Advanced Reading9.0 or TABE-12 A Reading with a score of 576 or TABE-12 A Language with a score of 584 and (804-169A (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 834-109 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 854-793 with a minimum grade of S or Accuplacer Arithmetic34 or ACT-Math with a score of 14 or ALEKS Math Placement6 or ASSET-Numerical Skills with a score of 32 or COMPASS-Pre-Algebra with a score of 25 or High School GPA 2.60 or Higher or Next-Gen Accuplacer AdvAlgebra with a score of 210)
307-175. ECE: Preschool Practicum. (3 Credits)
This course will apply as the capstone course in The Registry Preschool Credential. You will be placed or working in an early childhood setting with 3-5 year old children and create a portfolio that prepares you for The Registry commission. In this course you will be implementing regulations and standards for quality early childhood education, applying knowledge of child development and positive guidance, utilizing observation and assessment techniques, and assessing developmentally appropriate environments for preschoolers.
Prerequisites: 307-167 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 307-110 with a minimum grade of C or 307-178 with a minimum grade of C and 307-179 with a minimum grade of C and 307-188 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 307-108 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or 307-166 with a minimum grade of C
307-177. ECE: Intermediate Practicum. (3 Credits)
In this 3-credit course you will be implementing regulations and standards for quality early childhood education, applying knowledge of child development and positive guidance, utilizing observation and assessment techniques, and assessing developmentally appropriate environments for children.
Prerequisites: 307-174 with a minimum grade of C and (307-175 with a minimum grade of C or 307-192 with a minimum grade of C)
307-178. ECE: Art Music & Lang Arts. (3 Credits)
Focus is on beginning level curriculum development in the specific content areas of art, music and language arts. Competencies include: integrate strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives; examine the critical role of play; establish a developmentally appropriate environment; develop activity plans that promote child development and learning; analyze caregiving routines as curriculum; create developmentally appropriate art, music and movement, language, literature and literacy activities.
307-179. ECE: Child Development. (3 Credits)
Examine child development within the context of the early childhood education setting. Develop competencies to analyze social, cultural and economic influences on child development; summarize child development theories; analyze development of children ages 3 through 8; summarize the methods and designs of child development research; and analyze the role of heredity and the environment.
307-181. ECE: Operations Management. (3 Credits)
Discuss and apply practical solutions related to scheduling, staffing, facilities management, equipment acquisition and maintenance, record keeping and communication in Early Childhood Education programs.
307-182. ECE: Financial Management. (3 Credits)
Explore the principles and practices in budget planning, preparation and fiscal management including hands-on experience with program applications in early childhood education settings.
307-184. ECE: External Environments. (3 Credits)
Review external factors that affect the operation of early care and education programs, including determination of community childcare needs, marketing, laws and regulations, working with government and community agencies, and political and societal issues and trends.
307-185. ECE: Best Practices. (3 Credits)
Learn how to establish and maintain quality programs based on professional standards and the best available information on child growth and development, and family-friendly environments and services. Review literature and research studies, licensing laws and regulations, criteria for staff credentials, accreditation of programs by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs, and funding requirements and performance standards, such as those for Head Start.
307-186. ECE: Administrator Capstone. (3 Credits)
Complete major individual projects, focusing on the integration of program aspects in developing strategic planning for change.
Prerequisites: (307-204 with a minimum grade of C or 307-127 with a minimum grade of C) and (307-181 with a minimum grade of C or 307-128 with a minimum grade of C) and (307-182 with a minimum grade of C or 307-129 with a minimum grade of C) and (307-184 with a minimum grade of C or 307-120 with a minimum grade of C) and (307-185 with a minimum grade of C or 307-135 with a minimum grade of C)
307-187. ECE: Children w Diff Abilities. (3 Credits)
Focus on child with differing abilities in early childhood educational setting. Competencies include: integrate strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives; provide inclusive programs for young children; apply legal and ethical requirements including, but not limited to, ADA and IDEA; differentiate between typical and exceptional development; analyze the differing abilities of children with physical, cognitive, health/medical, communication and/or behavioral/emotional disorders; work collaboratively with community and professional resources; use an individual educational plan (iep/ifsp) for children with developmental differences; adapt curriculum to meet needs of children with differences; cultivate partnerships with families who have children with developmental differences.
Prerequisites: (307-179 with a minimum grade of C or 307-151 with a minimum grade of C)
307-188. ECE: Guiding Child Behavior. (3 Credits)
Examine positive strategies to guide children's behavior in the early childhood education setting. Course competencies include integrating strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives; summarizing early childhood guidance principles; analyzing factors that affect the behavior of children; practicing positive guidance strategies; developing guidance strategies to meet individual needs; and creating a guidance philosophy.
Prerequisites: (307-179 with a minimum grade of C or 522-106 with a minimum grade of C)
307-190. ECE: Field Experience 3. (3 Credits)
This three-credit advanced field experience course focuses on supporting young children's development birth to age 8 through observation, assessment, and implementation of developmentally appropriate teaching strategies.
Prerequisites: (307-170 with a minimum grade of C or 307-175 with a minimum grade of C) and 307-110 with a minimum grade of C and 307-108 with a minimum grade of C and (307-160 with a minimum grade of C or 307-174 with a minimum grade of C)
307-192. ECE: Practicum 2. (3 Credits)
Learn and apply competencies such as: identify children's growth and development; maintain the standards for quality early childhood education; practice strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives; implement student teacher-developed activity plans; identify the elements of a developmentally appropriate environment; implement positive guidance strategies; demonstrate professional behaviors; utilize caregiving routines as curriculum; utilize positive interpersonal skills with children and adults.
Prerequisites: (307-174 with a minimum grade of C and 307-188 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 307-166 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)
307-194. ECE: Math Science & Soc St. (3 Credits)
Focus on beginning-level curriculum development in the specific content areas of math, science and social studies. Competencies include integrating strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives; examining the critical role of play; establishing a developmentally appropriate environment; developing activity plans that promote child development and learning; and creating developmentally appropriate math, science and social studies activities.
307-195. ECE: Family & Community Rel. (3 Credits)
Examine the role of relationships with family and community in early childhood education. Competencies include: implement strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives when working with families and community; analyze contemporary family patterns, trends and relationships; utilize effective communication strategies; establish ongoing relationships with families; advocate for children and families; work collaboratively with community resources.
307-197. ECE: Practicum 3. (3 Credits)
Learn and apply competencies in an actual child care setting such as: assess children's growth and development; implement the standards for quality early childhood education; integrate strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives; build meaningful curriculum; provide a developmentally appropriate environment; facilitate positive guidance strategies; evaluate one's own professional behaviors and practices; lead caregiving routines as curriculum; utilize positive interpersonal skills with children and adults.
Prerequisites: (307-192 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 307-187 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and 307-194 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)
307-199. ECE: Advanced Practicum. (3 Credits)
In this final 3-credit practicum course you will demonstrate competence in supporting child development through observation, assessment and implementation of teaching strategies as you work in and learn about and apply the course competencies in an actual early childhood setting. You will demonstrate a high level of skill in fostering relationships with children, families and early childhood professionals, and use skills learned in a lead teacher role to develop a career plan to transition from student to early childhood education professional.
Prerequisites: (307-175 with a minimum grade of C or 307-192 with a minimum grade of C) and (307-177 with a minimum grade of C or 307-197 with a minimum grade of C or 307-104 with a minimum grade of C or 307-115 with a minimum grade of C)
307-204. Supervise/Admin ECE Programs. (3 Credits)
Gain an overview of the roles and responsibilities of directors, coordinators, supervisors and other administrators in early childhood programs.
307-210. ECE: Field Experience 4. (3 Credits)
This final three-credit pre-professional field experience course focuses on demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of children birth to age 8, and families. An emphasis is on practicing the lead teacher role to design, implement and evaluate a connected unit of learning experiences.
Prerequisites: 307-190 with a minimum grade of C or 307-177 with a minimum grade of C and 307-195 with a minimum grade of C
307-301. Intro to Family Child Care. (3 Credits)
This course is designed for family child care providers and individuals seeking to become family child care providers. Gain an introduction to important topics, including quality standards, health and wellness, child development, curriculum planning, guiding children's behavior and program wellness. This course fulfills the requirements for both Department of Children and Families entry-level courses: Fundamentals of Family Child Care and Introduction to the Child Care Profession.
307-302. FCC: Responsive Programming. (3 Credits)
Learn to create responsive family child care programming, focusing on building relationships and curriculum. Explore quality standards for relationships, intentional relationship building, diversity and anti-bias perspectives, family partnerships, mixed-age curriculum, and indoor and outdoor learning environments.
Prerequisites: 307-301 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C
307-303. FCC: Financial Mgmt & Planning. (3 Credits)
Learn to manage the finances of a family child care center, focusing on the principles and practices of budget planning, budget preparation and fiscal management. Explore important topics, including quality standards for financial management and planning, business management, record-keeping, business budgets, marketing, and financial management tools and systems.
Prerequisites: 307-301 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C